
Grass and Vine necklaces

by Alice Whish | 26 February, 2021 |

Plant diversity has been a life long interest for me and these works: vines and grasses focus on specific flora growing back after smoke, fire and rain. 

Bundanon at CRAFT in Melbourne 22 Aug - 22 Sept-2019

by Alice Whish | 05 August, 2019 |

This work is an exploration of the banksia understory and surrounding woodlands at Bundanon. My research has connected me to plants, people, and the Aboriginal cultural knowledge, of woodlands and ecologies.

Title: Wiry Panic Necklace, 
Materials: Powder coated brass, and silk.
Photographer: Greg Piper

Flowers for your mind and your mobile phone.

by Alice Whish | 20 August, 2018 |

My parents came from a generation of garden devotees. They loved their garden but they also loved, visited and read about many gardens locally, across the nation and even around the world. They knew the Latin names of hundreds of plants and together they would explore the unique difference between one species to another.